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Our members continue to "Give Back!" Our next Community Outreach project is on - with February 14th as the closing date!

On the recommendation of the Director of Student Services, our next Community Outreach project will be to donate toward each school's HYGIENE CLOSET! Here experience has shown there is considerable need for this, especially for those with socioeconomic challenges. If we donate items needed for personal hygiene, these can be distributed both to the Hygiene Closets in each school AND as part of the food distribution program for our neediest children.

Here are some brainstormed suggestions. We want to emphasize that CCPS IS a very diverse population now, and that products do vary for different ethnicities. Donations for all ethnicities are needed.

Needed donations:

·  Feminine Hygiene products - pads in particular

·  Deodorant

·  Wipes

·  Body Wash

·  Loofas

·  Soaps - bars and gels

·  Lotions

·  Lip Balm

·  Shampoo/Conditioner

·  Hair Oils/Pomade

·  Dry Shampoo

·  Plain black hair ties

·  Picks/Combs

·  Toothpaste/mouthwash/floss

·  Laundry detergent/fabric softener

·  Money - Checks made to CRSPA with Hygiene Closet in the memo line.

Checks may be deposited at any Shore United Bank, mailed to Merry Ellen McGown, Treasurer, (See email or PM for address), or brought to our 2/14 meeting. After our February 14th meeting, Debbie Hance and Jan Travers will go shopping to buy the items that are needed most to round out the overall donation. We will then take the products to the Central Office for Student Services to distribute as needed.

And don't forget: Those who donate get an extra door-prize ticket at the meeting!

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